Shugakuin and Ichijoji area: Enjoy walking in mountains and towns in autumn foliage season.


Shugakuin and Ichijoji 修学院・一乗寺


This time, we will take you to Ichijoji and Shugakuin area where you can find a lot of charms. You can enjoy the atmosphere of mountain villages full of nature by visiting temples and shrines dotted across mountains, while alongside the Shirakawa street lined with zelkova trees, unique shops will welcome you. Let’s enjoy strolling around both rural mountain area and lively shopping district in beautiful fall colors.




Hamburger shop in Shugakuin.
Start the tour with “Breakfast” or “Kyoto Burger” which are popular among not only Japanese but also among foreign tourists.

  • Address:7-7 Yamabana-kawahara-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
  • Open:9:00a.m.-26:00 a.m.
  • Closed:Every Thursday
  • Access:Nearby the Shugakuin station on Eizan-Honsen line
  • Websites:

2Along the Otowa river

Shugakuinrikyu-michi street along the Otowa river. The views of Mt. Hiei makes you feel refreshed.

3Sekizanzenin temple

Buddhist temple called “the temple of autumn foliage.” You will find cute Fukurokuju Omikuji (written fortune).
Fukurokuju: one of the seven deities of good luck

  • Address:18 Shugakuin-kaikonbo-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
  • Open:9:00a.m.-16:30p.m.
  • Admission fee:Free
  • Access:20 minutes walk from Shugakuin station on Eizan-Honsen line
  • Websites:


Founded in 1962. Casual restaurant which serves made-to order rice balls, traditional ramen, Nishinsoba (soba noodles with cooked herring) and Kinugasa –don (rice bowl with fried tofu and green onion cooked with lightly beaten egg).

  • Address:17 Shugakuin-muromachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
  • Open:11:00a.m.-20:00p.m.
  • Closed:Every Wednesday
  • Access:15 minutes walk from Shugakuin station on Eizan-Honsen line

5Manshuin-monzeki temple

One of the five monzeki temples of the Tendai Buddhist sect in Kyoto. (monzeki temples: temples whose head priests were originally members of the imperial family.)

  • Address:42 Ichijoji-Takenouchi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
  • Open:9:00a.m.-17:00p.m. (Last entry: 16:30p.m.)
  • Admission fee:600 yen
  • Access:20 minutes walk from Shugakuin station on Eizan-Honsen line, 8 minutes walk from the bus stop of Ichijoji-shimizu-cho
  • Websites:

6Enkoji temple

“Jugyu no niwa” garden aflame with autumn color
The view from inside of the room is like a beautiful painting.

  • Address:13 Ichijoji-kotani-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
  • Open:9:00a.m.-17:00p.m.
  • Closed:Dec.28-31
  • Admission fee:500 yen
  • Access:15 minutes walk from Ichijoji station on Eizan-Honsen line, 7 minutes walk from the bus stop of Ichijo-sagarimatsu-cho
  • Websites:

7Konpukuji temple

The temple grounds is adorned with autumn color which surrounds the dry landscape garden.

  • Address:20 Ichijoji-saikata-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
  • Open:9:00a.m.-17:00p.m. (Last entry: 16:45)
  • Closed:Dec.30 and 31, Jan.16-31, Aug.5-20
  • Admission fee:400 yen
  • Access:20 minutes walk from Ichijoji station on Eizan-Honsen line, 5 minutes walk from the bus stop of Ichijo-sagarimatsu-cho

This information is correct as of May, 2011.